Diagnostics devoted to life

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Product news

Neogen / Megazyme

Labema currently has Neogen's Megazyme products in its selection.

Megazyme develops and refines analytical methods used to measure components such as starch, sugars and enzymes.

Link: https://www.megazyme.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjw-O6zBhASEiwAOHeGxRip4QZ3It_QSugKZ9Qs6wLmvyE 2PdoK1f6mCHP4Y_JsSS888OTWiRoCRTgQAvD_BwE



Now is the last chance to buy Freeze Watch 0 °C product in stock for autumn and winter!

Neogen has announced that it will stop manufacturing Freeze Watch (formerly 3M products).

Labema is now selling the last Freeze Watch 0°C products in stock (product number : 9805FW-10).

The product is sold while stock last!


Labema Oy announces a distributor agreement with Q-linea in Finland and Baltics.

Q-linea's products will expand Labema's current sepsis diagnostics range. With the fully automated ASTar instrument and BC G- kit:

  • AST results in 6 hours from positive blood culture samples (14 gram-negative bacteria)
  • 12 samples in one run
  • AST results for 23 antimicrobials (incl. Cefuroxime) depending on the bacteria
  • True MIC results with controlled inoculum and EUCAST breakpoints
  • CE-IVD marked application


More information from our expert of clinical diagnostics:

Toni Sofronjuk, toni.sofronjuk@labema.fi, puh. +358 9 274 67437

Link to press release: Q-linea strengthens its presence in Finland and the Baltics through partnership with Labema Oy | Q-linea


3M now part of Neogen

Neogen has recently acquired the Food Safety business of 3M. Neogen logo and inforamtion will soon start to appear in 3M Food Safety documentation and products like Petrifilm and Clean-Trace swabs. The product compositions stay unchanged. We will keep our customers informed about any changes.

3M Infection Prevention products like chemical and biological indicators are not affected by this change.


VH2O2 Indicators for sterilizing

Now available new rapid indicators for hydrogenperoxide sterilizing. Results in just 24 minutes.


Microbank™ cryovials

Microbank™ vials are a ready-to-use solution for preserving microbes in -70 °C. The unique cryopreservative liquid combined with the porous structure of the beads together provide a reliable way to store and retrieve bacterial and fungus cultures.