Sigma GBS™ with Lim Broth, standard Sigma swab (cellular foam tip)

Productcode: MWGBS
Supplier: Medical Wire & Equipment
Package size: 125 pcs

Product information

Sigma GBS™ is one of the latest innovations from MWE and is a swab based device for the direct collection and rapid processing of specimens screening for Streptocccus agalactiae.

The product includes a 2ml vial of Lim broth (for the enrichment of Group B Streptococcus) and a swab which can be snapped into the vial. After collecting the specimen, the vial can be incubated for a few hours before inoculation onto a chromogenic agar medium for the direct detection and identification of Streptocccus agalactiae.

Recommended applications
Screening for Streptocccus agalactiae is normally performed in late pregnancy. The swab is used to collect specimen(s) in normal way from vagina and/or rectum.


  • Lim Broth Medium
  • Enrichment of specimens ready for direct plating on chromogenic agar
  • Interfering bacteria inhibited, including E. coli
  • Liquid format compatible with automated processing platforms


  • Simpler processing and faster turnaround
  • Convenient Snap ‘n’ Cap format for easy specimen handling.
  • Convenient format for screening for Group B Streptococcus colonisation

Contact our specialist

For more information from Labema’s specialist. The specialist for this product is Minni Raitio.

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