Bile Aesculin Agar

Productcode: NCM0117A
Supplier: Neogen Europe ltd
Package size: 500 g

Product information

Application(s): Water, Clinical, Food, Industrial
Organism(s): Enterococci & Streptococci

For the isolation and presumptive identification of Enterococci / Group D Streptococci. The aesculin produced by organisms positive for aesculin hydrolysis reacts with ferric citrate to form a dark brown or black complex. Bile salts inhibit Gram-positive organisms other than Enterococci or Group D Streptococci. This medium can also be used for presumptive differentiation of the Klebsiella-Enterobacter-Serratia group from other Enterobacteriaceae.

Contact our specialist

For more information from Labema’s specialist. The specialist for this product is Iiris Ylöstalo.

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