Kliininen diagnostiikka

Clinical Diagnostics

Clinical Diagnostics covers a wide range of tests for clinical laboratories, for example serological tests and antigen and toxin test. We have collected papers and studies linked to our products that we believe will interest our customers.


Evaluation of illumigene® Mycoplasma Direct DNA amplification assay
illumigene® Mycoplasma Direct -testiä verrattiin aikaisempaan illumigene® Mycoplasma -testiin, joka vaatii DNA:n ekstraktion. Suoraan tikkunäytteestä tehtävä uusi illumigene® Mycoplasma Direct on yhtä luotettava kuin työläämpi predikaattitesti ja se antaa tulokset alle tunnissa.
Topical antiviral ointment may treat adenoviral conjunctivitis
Clinical trial will investigate whether ganciclovir can prevent the infection from spreading and decrease the number of days of viral shedding. Topical ganciclovir works by penetrating the infected cell and preventing the viral DNA from replicating,

Gansikloviirigeeli paikallisesti annettuna näyttää lupaavalta adenoviruskonjunktiviitin torjunnassa.

Sensitivity and Specificity of the AdenoPlus™ Test for Diagnosing Adenoviral Conjunctivitis
The objective of this study was to compare the clinical sensitivity and specificity of the AdenoPlus™ test with those of both viral cell culture (CC) with confirmatory immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) at detecting the presence of adenovirus in tear fluid. AdenoPlus™ is a very sensitive and specific point-of-care diagnostic test to assist in the confirmation of adenoviral conjunctivitis and lead to the initiation of appropriate management of the disease in a timely manner. When compared only with CC-IFA, AdenoPlus™ showed a sensitivity of 90% (28/31) and specificity of 96% (93/97). When compared only with PCR, AdenoPlus™ showed a sensitivity of 85% (29/34) and specificity of 98% (89/91). When compared with both CC-IFA and PCR, AdenoPlus™ showed a sensitivity of 93% (27/29) and specificity of 98% (88/90). When compared with PCR, CC-IFA showed a sensitivity of 85% (29/34) and specificity of 99% (90/91).

AdenoPlus™ on tarkka ja nopea menetelmä, joka voi estää väärän adenoviruskonjunktiviittidiagnoosin. Ellei adenovirusinfektiota todeta ajoissa, johtaa se taudin leviämiseen, turhiin antibioottihoitoihin ja kohonneisiin terveydenhuollon kustannuksiin.

Laboratory evaluation of different agar media for isolation of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter spp.
The optimal method for surveillance of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter spp. (CRAB) is unknown. A collection of CRAB strains (n = 42), carbapenem-susceptible strains (CSAB), and non-Acinetobacter strains (n = 18) was used to evaluate six laboratory surveillance methods: MacConkey (MAC), MAC + 1 μg/ml imipenem (MAC-IPM), minimal salts agar + 1 % acetate (MSA), MSA with IPM disk (MSA-IPM), CHROMagar™ KPC and CHROMagar™ Acinetobacter with CR102 (CHROMAcineto). CHROMAcineto was 100 % sensitive and specific. CHROMagar KPC and MAC-IPM were highly sensitive (>95 %), but their specificity was substantially hampered by the breakthrough growth of CSAB. MSA was unsuitable for CRAB detection. CHROMAcineto is a promising medium for CRAB detection and warrants further clinical evaluation.


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