
Molecular Biology

Molecular Biology includes our products for IVD tests for diagnose bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.We have collected papers and studies linked to our products that we believe will interest our customers.


Evaluation of illumigene® Mycoplasma Direct DNA amplification assay
illumigene® Mycoplasma Direct -testiä verrattiin aikaisempaan illumigene® Mycoplasma -testiin, joka vaatii DNA:n ekstraktion. Suoraan tikkunäytteestä tehtävä uusi illumigene® Mycoplasma Direct on yhtä luotettava kuin työläämpi predikaattitesti ja se antaa tulokset alle tunnissa.
Rapid and Sensitive Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Test for Clostridium difficile Detection Challenges Cytotoxin B Cell Test and Culture as Gold Standard
Compared to the composite gold standard cytotoxin B assay and toxigenic culture, the loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) test for Clostridium difficile had a sensitivity and specificity of 98%, positive predictive value of 92%, and negative predictive value of >99%. A one-hour turnaround time for the LAMP test provides rapid diagnosis and cost savings.

Testi antaa tarkan tuloksen noin tunnissa ja nopeuttaa diagnoosin tekoa sekä säästää kustannuksissa.


Hangzhou Bioer Technology Co., Ltd.

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